Forest Campaign

About Forests in Java

Java Island is the densest island in Indonesia with the largest population. The rapid population growth in the island causes the shrinking forests in Java Island.

About Forests in Kalimantan

Kalimantan Island is one of the world's lungs covering 40.8 millions hectares. Unfortunately, the deforestation rate in Kalimantan is very high. According to the Forestry Department, the rate between 2000 and 2005 period reached 1.23 millions hectares.

ProFauna Activists Campaigning for Forest and Wildlife Protection by the Semeru Volcano

Twenty-five activists of ProFauna Indonesia held campaign of forest and wildlife conservation on the foothills of Semeru Volcano on 2nd October 2011. The campaign which was located on the rural area of Wonokerto - a village adjacent to the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park, was intended to raise awareness of the local people to get actively involved in forest conservation because most of the locals still depended their livelihood on the forest. The community outreach also tried to prevent wildlife poaching there.

Mathias Muchus Words for Indonesian Forests

Indonesian forest degradation both in quantity and quality has moved a senior actor and recently a film director, Mathias Muchus, to get involved and take part in forest conservation campaign. Muchus who was awarded as the best leading actor in Indonesia's national film festival in 1988 has joined ProFauna and supported the organisation forest conservation campaign.

ProFauna and Rangers Patrol the Tropical Rain Forest in East Java

ProFauna Indonesia is very serious and actively assists the government for forest protection from illegal logging and wildlife poaching as the organisation conducts joint patrol with the rangers of R Soerjo grand forest park, one of the remaining tropical rain forests in East Java. In the forest patrol held in February 2011, ProFauna not only provided financial support but also joined the patrol on the field.

Press Release: Borneo Tribal Communities and ProFauna Met and Urged the Forestry Minister to Stop Deforestation in Kapuas Forest

(09/27/2010) Deforestation of natural forests in Kalimantan or Borneo Island keeps happening and threatening the wildlife and local people. A logging company, PT. Toras Banua Sukses has received a renewal permit to operate in Kapuas forest which threats the habitats and survival of some endangered wildlife including: Orang utans, proboscis monkeys, and sun bears, and also causes disputes to the local tribal people who depend their livelihood on the forest.


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© 2003 - ProFauna Indonesia

ProFauna Indonesia is an Indonesian society for the protection of
wild animals and their habitats