Forest Campaign

When Children around Yang Highlands Learn about Wildlife Conservation

PROFAUNA's activists has been routinely giving education about wildlife conservation at schools around the remote villages.

Mt. Argopuro Closed for Safety

Mt. Argopuro, which lies within the Yang Highlands Wildlife Reserve, is temporarily closed for hikers. 

PROFAUNA Opens New Office for Yang Highlands Wildlife Reserve Conservation Program

PROFAUNA opens a new field office in Baderan village, Sumbermalang district, Situbondo, East Java as a part of the establishment of the Yang Highlands Wildlife Reserve conservation program.

Enviromental Activists in Padang Demand Maximum Penalty for Forest Burners

Activists staged a demonstration in front of West Sumatra House of Representatives, demanding the government to give legal penalty for forest burners,

PROFAUNA Calls on the Public to Take Care of Indonesia’s Forest

PROFAUNA Indonesia called on the public to put more concern towards the state of ever-shrinking forest of Indonesiaa

Easy Steps to Help Protecting Indonesia’s Forest

Forest protection effort requires active participation from all walks of life, not only from people who live near the forests, the government, or concerned organization like PROFAUNA.


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© 2003 - ProFauna Indonesia

ProFauna Indonesia is an Indonesian society for the protection of
wild animals and their habitats