Forest Campaign

Press Release: ProFauna Demands Government’s Practical and Political Efforts to Save Forests in Java

(01/06/2010) Forests in Java Island, Indonesia, degrade which threat human and other living things on the Island, especially wildlife endemic to Java. Based on the deforestation pace published by the Forestry Department for 2003-2006 period, the largest deforestation happened in Sumatera which was 268,000 hectares/year or 22,8% of the total deforestation in Indonesia which was 1.17 millions hectares/year. The next places were in Kalimantan for 239,000 hectares/year (20.4%), Sulawesi for 114,700 hectares/year (9.8 %), and Java for 2,500 hectares/year (0.2%).


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© 2003 - ProFauna Indonesia

ProFauna Indonesia is an Indonesian society for the protection of
wild animals and their habitats