
Here’s How to Drive Away Monkeys in Mt. Arjuno without Killing Them

When forests of Mt. Arjuno, East Java, got converted for farming, conflict began to arise between farmers and Long-tailed Macaques (Macaca fascicularis). 

Now is Young People’s Turn to Tackle Widllife Trade

JAVA - PROFAUNA Indonesia's West Java representatives engaged the youngsters of Cirebon to take an active role in combating wildlife trade

Rangers Waived Holidays to Safeguard Sea Turtle Habitat in Berau

When most muslim in Indonesia were spending their Eid holiday (Islamic holiday) gathering and vacationing with their families, apparently a group of men preferred to not do so

Customary Institution and PROFAUNA Installed Anti-Poaching Sign in Wehea Forest

PROFAUNA and the customary institution of Dayak Wehea of Nehas Liah Bing village installed a number of signs around Wehea forest

Two English Ladies Volunteer at Wehea Forest, East Kalimantan

Not many people wants to spend their time and money for social works deep in a jungle. That does not seem to apply for two English ladies,

HOT NEWS: Sight of Javan Tiger in Mt. Arjuno Went Viral

For the past few days, social media has been rattled by a photo of what was claimed to be a Javan Tiger, which roamed the forest around Mt. Arjuno, East Java.


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ProFauna Indonesia is an Indonesian society for the protection of
wild animals and their habitats