
Anti-Wildlife Poaching Campaign in Muara Gembong Mangroves

PROFAUNA Indonesia held a series of education activities, bringing up "Stop Poaching in Muara Gembong Mangroves" in Bekasi

Observing the Javan Langurs at Muara Gembong

PROFAUNA's activists went to Muara Gembong to observe the wild animals inhabiting Muara Bendera mangroves, in Bekasi, West Java

Educating Farmers about Human-Primate Conflict Resolution

PROFAUNA's team intensify the education program for the farmers by visiting the farmlands and talk directly to farmers about the extent of their problem and feasible ways to manage the conflict

Risa, DVM. Arrested for Trading Wildlife

The extended investigation of Risa Insa F., DVM on her online wildlife trade case has come to a new phase.

PROFAUNA Appreciates the Confiscation of 4,600 Sea Turtle Eggs

PROFAUNA declared their appreciation for Tanjung Redeb Police Department's success in forestalling a smuggling attempt of 4,600 sea turtle eggs.

No More Turtle-based Accessories in Hotel Plaza, but Sea Turtle Trade is Reverting in Derawan

sea turtle exploitation is still rampant in Berau, particularly cultivation of Hawksbill Turtle's shell for accessories like bracelets, rings, and pendants


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© 2003 - ProFauna Indonesia

ProFauna Indonesia is an Indonesian society for the protection of
wild animals and their habitats