Wildlife Trade

ProFauna 2011 Review on Wildlife Trade in Bird Markets: Illegal Wildlife Trade In Indonesia Remains High

Since 1996, ProFauna Indonesia has conducted regular monitoring on the wildlife traded in the bird (animal) markets in Java and Bali Islands in order to gather the latest number of the trade for the organisation to support its campaign and law enforcement.

Press Release: Wildlife Illegal Trade and Smuggling in Indonesia Remains High

(01/06/2010) The level of the illegal trade and smuggling of the protected wildlife in Indonesia in 2009 is quite high. ProFauna's Indonesia latest survey recorded that 70 animal (bird) markets in Java Island traded 183 protected species. Among the 70 markets which were located in 58 different cities, 14 of them sold parrots, 21markets sold primates, 11 markets sold mammals, and 13 markets sold raptors. Besides those target species, protected singing birds were also sold in 11 markets.

Press Release: Government of Bali and ProFauna Indonesia Arrested International Wildlife Syndicate

(10/03/2009) The Natural Resources Conservation Center of the Forestry Department in Bali (BKSDA Bali), with the help of ProFauna Indonesia -a wildlife protection organization, succeeded in the apprehension of a wildlife syndicate involving two Japanese smugglers (October 2nd, 2009). After receiving the information from ProFauna Indonesia, BKSDA Bali held an operation and managed to seize 16 rare species and arrest two Japanese men named Naoki Kammatsu and Tonotobu Yamamoto.

Press Release: International Concern over Alleged Illegal Zoo Trade in Indonesia

(09/11/2009) International wildlife charity the Born Free Foundation has joined ProFauna Indonesia in calling for a full investigation into allegations of illegal trading of wildlife products by several prominent zoos in the country. The case of the confiscation operation on the protected animal parts in Jagakarsa, Jakarta (7 August 2009) has been developed by the authorities.


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ProFauna Indonesia is an Indonesian society for the protection of
wild animals and their habitats