Halaman Depan

Photos of the Looting in Sendiki Protected Forest, Malang Regency

The looting in Sendiki Protected Forest, Sumbermanjing Wetan Subdistrict, Malang Regency in East Java -Indonesia, continues to occur rampantly. Monitoring by PROFAUNA Indonesia on 9 January 2020

Farmers Plant Thousands of Trees to Regrow Forest in Malang

Farmers of the Forest Farmers Group (Kelompok Tani Hutan/KTH),Tambakrejo village, Sumbermanjing Wetan, Malang regency, East Java has been coming to the community nursery (Kebun Bibit Rakyat/KBR) to pick up tree seedlings

The Illegal Trade of Hawksbill Turtle Shells in Indonesia Remains High, Estimated to Cost 5 Billion IDR

The illegal trade of Hawksbill turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata) shell byproducts in Indonesia remains high, estimated to be 5 billion IDR (360,000 USD, current exchange rate). The latest investigation by the 

Catching Fish with Potassium in Berau Allegedly Causes the Deaths of Birds and Sea Turtles

The illegal fishing using potassium in the sea waters of Berau District is increasingly worrying, because it is not only unsustainable but also suspected of killing birds and sea turtles

Dear Tourists in Bali, Please Don’t Buy Sea Turtle-based Souvenirs!

Yayasan Penyu Indonesia (YPI/Indonesian Turtle Foundation) and PROFAUNA Indonesia are calling tourists visiting Bali to not wear or buy sea turtle-based souvenirs. 

The Police Detain Wildlife Poachers, Alleged Forest Fire Perpetrators in Arjuno-Welirang Mount

The cause of forest and land fires in the R Soerjo Forest Park Area which were allegedly caused by the wildlife poachers, has long been revealed by PROFAUNA Indonesia in various cases. The hunters deliberately 


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ProFauna Indonesia is an Indonesian society for the protection of
wild animals and their habitats