Halaman Depan

Public Figures of North Maluku Supports PROFAUNA’s Parrot Protection Campaign

Several public figures of North Maluku have proclaimed their support for PROFAUNA's parrot protection campaign.

Bacan Queen Joins PROFAUNA in Educating Students about Parrot Protection

PROFAUNA's visit to the schools was special because Ma Eka, the Queen of Bacan, came along as the educator

Indonesian Primate Day 2017 Celebrated by Hundreds from Kalimantan to Sulawesi

This year, the Indonesian Primate Day is celebrated in 19 events in 13 cities across 8 provinces in Indonesia

PROFAUNA’s Activist in Monkey Costume Introduces Indonesian Primates

Students of SDN Karangbesuki 1 (elementary school), Malang, east Java cheered and yelled excitedly when PROFAUNA's activists came to their class.

PROFAUNA Advocates Sea Turtle Poaching Case by Man in Army Suit in South Halmahera

PROFAUNA Indonesia urges the authority to take firm actions against a Facebook user named Van Watung, who posted a photo of himself carrying two dead sea turtles

PROFAUNA Trains Kutai Students to Protect the Forest

PROFAUNA Borneo, is giving trainings for students in Kutai Timur regency about forest protection.


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© 2003 - ProFauna Indonesia

ProFauna Indonesia is an Indonesian society for the protection of
wild animals and their habitats