Primate Campaign

Education on Primate and Habitat Protection in East Kalimantan

In early 2017, PROFAUNA Borneo's activists have been visiting a number of schools in Kutai Timur regency

Indonesian Primate Day 2017 Celebrated by Hundreds from Kalimantan to Sulawesi

This year, the Indonesian Primate Day is celebrated in 19 events in 13 cities across 8 provinces in Indonesia

PROFAUNA’s Activist in Monkey Costume Introduces Indonesian Primates

Students of SDN Karangbesuki 1 (elementary school), Malang, east Java cheered and yelled excitedly when PROFAUNA's activists came to their class.

Netizen Condemn Clearing of Orangutan Habitat in East Kutai, Borneo

A recent video showing habitat of Bornean Orangutan being cleared for oil palm plantation published by PROFAUNA Indonesia in their Facebook fan page on 28 October 2016 sparked mixed comments from the netizen

Observing the Javan Langurs at Muara Gembong

PROFAUNA's activists went to Muara Gembong to observe the wild animals inhabiting Muara Bendera mangroves, in Bekasi, West Java

Educating Farmers about Human-Primate Conflict Resolution

PROFAUNA's team intensify the education program for the farmers by visiting the farmlands and talk directly to farmers about the extent of their problem and feasible ways to manage the conflict


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© 2003 - ProFauna Indonesia

ProFauna Indonesia is an Indonesian society for the protection of
wild animals and their habitats