
The Police Detain Wildlife Poachers, Alleged Forest Fire Perpetrators in Arjuno-Welirang Mount

The cause of forest and land fires in the R Soerjo Forest Park Area which were allegedly caused by the wildlife poachers, has long been revealed by PROFAUNA Indonesia in various cases. The hunters deliberately 

After Forestry Police Shot Illegal Loggers, Logging in Merubetiri National Park Worsens

The shooting of an alleged illegal logger in the Merubetiri National Park (TNMB, local abbreviation), did not stop the logging in this nature conservation area. 

Coal Mine Tears Apart Sumatera’s Forest of Hope

Hutan Harapan, and Indonesia's hope to protect Sumatra's last lowland forest, has been threatened by PT Marga Bara Jaya (PT MBJ)'s plan to open a road to transport coal which runs through Hutan Harapan.

Turtle Conservation on Belambangan Island, Berau Regency, East Kalimantan

Despite the small size, the island is the most densely populated by the green turtles (Chelonia mydas) or the most nesting habitats in the Berau Regency waters. It is estimated that in one year there are 2,500 - 3,000 visits by the female green turtles nest in the the island producing at least 1,500 nests, or equivalent to 150,000 turtle eggs..

Sea Turtle Conservation Done Right: Release Hatchlings to the Ocean Right Away!

Thirty conservation activists from all around Indonesia joined a training held by PROFAUNA Indonesia and Yayasan Penyu Indonesia (YPI/Indonesian Turtle Foundation) at Tamban Beach, Malang, East Java on 18 July 2019.

Wildlife Hunting in Kondang Iwak Beach of Malang Regency Remains High

Wildlife hunting in Kondang Iwak Beach, Donomulyo Subdistrict, Malang Regency, East Java remains high. During the patrol deployed by PROFAUNA Rangers on 7 July 2019, the team encounters three  wildlife hunters,


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ProFauna Indonesia is an Indonesian society for the protection of
wild animals and their habitats