Progress on ProFauna's Protest Against Wildlife Exploitation in Television Shows: Global TV Promises to Improve the Shows to be Pro-Conservation

ProFauna Indonesia's reports to the Indonesia Broadcasting Commission (KPI) concerning the wildlife exploitation in some television shows, among of them are aired in Global TV, one of the national television stations in Indonesia; have brought positive results. In the third meeting attended by ProFauna and KPI which also invited Global TV; held on 15 February 2012; the televison station representative admitted that the television shows they air: Petualangan Panji (Adventures of Panji), Gadis Petualang (Adventurous Girl), and Steve Ewon - all of which are modeled on the popular "Crocodile Hunter" series that featured the late Steve Irwin; are exploiting wildlife as suggested by ProFauna.

ProFauna have been protesting the shows which are cruel and inhumane exploitation of wildlife through staging a street campaign to raise public awareness and reporting to KPI which is responsible for ensuring broadcasters' compliance with prevailing laws and regulation. ProFauna applauded KPI for inviting Global TV in the meeting.

During the meeting, Global TV who was represented by the deputy chief editor of the television station, Yadi Hendriana, appreciated ProFauna's suggestions. Mr. Hendriana admitted that the shows were cruel and exploiting wildlife and promised to reformat them into pro-conservation and pro-animal welfare ones. In order to manifest the plan, Global TV plans to hold a workshop about television shows which are educational and pro-conservation and invites ProFauna in the workshop.

Irma Hermawati, ProFauna Indonesia' representative in the meeting who is also the organisation's wildlife lawyer stated, "ProFauna appreciates Global TV's response on this issue and hopes that there will be no more shows exploiting wildlife in the future".

© 2003 - ProFauna Indonesia

ProFauna Indonesia is an Indonesian society for the protection of
wild animals and their habitats