PROFAUNA Reports Finding of Bird Snares in Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park

Illegal poaching in Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park (Taman Nasional Bromo Tengger Semeru/TNBTS) remain high. Every month, hundreds of wild birds are captured, which is ironic since the national park is supposed to be a safe place for the animals.

Protection of Forest & Fauna (PROFAUNA) found snares used for capturing birds along the trail to B29 on Tuesday (8/12/2015). There were four snares, a size of 4 x 2 meters, stretched between trees taller than 3 meters.

PROFAUNA's activists found and then released the then captured birds, and also encounter two alleged poachers. They came from Ranupani village, Lumajang.

jaring burung di TNBTS PROFAUNA's finding of the illegal poaching within the protected area of TNBTS was not the first time. Other than the trail heading to B29, illegal poaching also occur in the forest close to Ngadirejo village and Ireng-ireng area.

Wildlife poaching within conservation areas are strongly prohibited by law. Law no.5 of 1990 concerning the Conservation of Living Natural Resource and Its Ecosystem, poachers shall be liable to 5 years of prison of IDR 100 million fines.

"The rampant illegal capture of wild birds in TNBTS a very unfortunate fact for all of us, in addition to it being a threat for the ecosystem's balance in the conservation area," said Rosek Nursahid, PROFAUNA's chairman.

Report to National Park Office

PROFAUNA's finding were reported right to TNBTS' administrative office in Malang on Thursday (10/12/2015). Three activists of PROFAUNA, Rosek Nursahid, Muhamad Jayuli, and Junu met the head of TNBTS, Ayu Dewi Utari, to discuss the case.

Ayu Dewi Utari appreciated PROFAUNA's report and would follow up on the case by having investigation and more intensive patrols in several susceptible locations.

"Nature conservation efforts and the prevention of illegal poaching cannot be done alone by the government, because it takes participations from the general public like PROFAUNA to be more effective," added her.

TNBTS' also embraced the possibility of having a collaboration with PROFAUNA to protect wildlife and their habitat.

"We really appreciate TNBTS' positive response to our report," added Rosek.

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ProFauna Indonesia is an Indonesian society for the protection of
wild animals and their habitats