Bad News from Bajulmati Beach: Turtle Nest Plundered by Poachers!
A nest of the Green Turtle (Chelonia mydas) at Bajulmati Beach, South Malang, Indonesia was plundered by poachers on Saturday (8/12/2018). Dozens of sea turtle eggs were stolen, and it is suspected that they also killed the nesting turtle.
The incident was reported by Sutari, a sea turtle conservation activist from Pokmaswas Pilar Harapan, to Sempu Island Nature Conservation Agency. The report was followed up by the rangers and PROFAUNA by doing field investigation.
"We believe that the turtle who laid eggs here was killed too, as we found turtle tracks going from the water up the beach while we did not see any tracks going back," said Sutari to the rangers.
Bajulmati Beach is known as one of sea turtle nesting sites in South Malang. However, sea turtle's protection status does not stop poacher from stealing eggs.
"Among PROFAUNA's programs in South Malang is giving education to local people about sea turtle protection, which is apparently still lacking around here," stated Erik Yanuar, PROFAUNA's activist.
All sea turtle species is protected by law, meaning that all forms of poaching, trade, and consumption is a crime. Law no.5 of 1990 concerning the Conservation of Living Natural Resources and Its Ecosystem mentions that anyone violating the law is liable to 5 years of prison and IDR 5 million fines.